Stripe just told a large number of its customers to get lost

UPDATE: This wasn't actually entirely Stripe's fault, their bank was the one who blasted everything with "Marijuana" referenced anywhere (probably some sort of keyword search). After some back-and-forth, stripe went back to their bank and got them to realize we're a legitimate company and not selling any Marijuana based products.

While in the scuffle, we tried to apply for a few other credit-card agencies and one other bank, who knew full well what we did and knew we didn't have anything to do with touching Marijuana products, who is supposed to be a "high risk" bank, rejected us outright. It's not just Stripe, and after this blog post Stripe actually contacted us and helped us get squared away, so I thank them for that.

TL;DR: Stripe's bank is screwing legitimate business by giving them 30 days to switch to a new platform. Even businesses that don't deal directly with Marijuana, but operate in the same space.

A few years ago, I started a company along with some others to create a new product designed to track what states are doing with Marijuana laws, including tracking who gets licenses, what companies are dealing with Marijuana, and what people belong to those companies and licenses. This is similar to a Dun and Bradstreet but specifically for business operating in the legalized Marijuana space. We also tracked all of the laws for each state and have issued two books, one for average consumers, and one for businesses looking to join the market.

Marijuana is everywhere. At this point, 29 states have some form of legalized Marijuana. New states are coming on board too. Over 60% of americans back legalizing Marijuana. Yet this isn't an issue of Marijuana being illegal, it's an issue of Banks stepping in where they shouldn't.

We are a media company, a publisher, we do not, and will not, ever touch any part of Marijuana. We do not help companies track plants, offer any financial help with anyone who produces, processes, or distributes marijuana, or help anyone acquire marijuana in any way. We simply track the business, like many other publishers do. We've even been on Yahoo Finance as one of the foremost experts on the laws in different states.

We've tried advertising on Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. Both Google and Microsoft flat out blocked us based solely on keywords. This was expected. We use Stripe for transaction purchases, and we've never had an issue, until this morning when we got a notice from Stripe that we have 30 days to migrate elsewhere. They're shutting us down because we talk about legalized Marijuana.

Stripe's bank is having a major overreaction

As it turns out, Stripe recently got a major audit by their bank, and due to that anyone even related to the Marijuana industry is being kicked off. How far will this go? If you're the NY Times and you have a column on the Marijuana industry does that mean you can't use Stripe? I just blogged about Marijuana, am I no longer allowed to use Stripe? The IRS collects taxes from Marijuana companies, are they also not allowed to use Stripe?

This isn't a fatal issue for us, however it does mean that every one of our customers will have to re-enter their credit card information into a new system. We can't get that information out of stripe for security reasons, and our customers are set up to Auto-Renew via subscriptions. If we end up losing some of our customers because of Stripe, who will pick up that slack? What about the extra month of development of integrating a new payment system and then getting the customers to switch over to it?

I know it's a tricky business, but it's going to far when you're actively destroying companies simply because they're reporting the news. I know Trump wants this to become the new normal, attacking anyone that has a different opinion than he does, but I didn't expect a well-known and respected company such as Stripe to take an active stance and decide that if you're talking about Marijuana, you're banned from their service.

I know this isn't exactly stripe setting these policies, it's the bank they deal with; but there are many many banks that allow even companies that physically sell Marijuana to do business with them. If Stripe had told us that we're in a "Risky Business" and so we have to pay an extra 1% transaction fee, we would have grumbled but ultimately kept with them. If Stripe had told us they're working on another bank that will accept us, we'd be happy. If they had even bothered to ask us what our business was before just deciding they know what we do, at least we would have known what's going on. As it is, Stripe just saw the word "Cannabiz" in our invoices, and decided we need to go.

I hope you're not in the same boat as we are, but if you do anything related to Marijuana, Cannabis, or in general anything that the president doesn't agree with, you may soon be. Small businesses are suffering because companies like Stripe won't stand up for us.


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But what if we could tell that you will not require hiring online experts and instead can do it on your own? In this article, we will share some tips on how you can handle term papers better.

Choose your topic well

While choosing a topic, make sure to keep it as creative as possible. Choose something which you are interested aboutsince it will make it easier for you to write. Select the essay topic as a result of pressing questions about which you want to search for answers. Narrow down the topic into a specific area of interest. Start exploring unique angles that can help you cover the specific issue of the term paper.

Do your research

It is important to research the background of the topic and the viewpoints of experts in the area. Along with it, also consider what the future research is in the specific area. 
Instead of repeating the information you have already used in previous term papers, try learning something new from that area. Use both primary and secondary sources when researching the term paper topic. You can also go through live discussions or online portal to find out the interesting ideas people shareon them. Also Read - free citation machine

Develop a solid outline

It is better to draw out an outline to know where you are actually headed. Some people tend to skip this step which leads them into trouble. A proper essay structure gives you a clear sense of structure and a framework. The rest you have to fill in with the details.
Here are some of the basic elements of the outline:

Descriptive or explanatory paragraphs
Analysis and argument paragraphs
Interesting points or questions you are not sure about

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If you lack a proper understanding of the term paper topic, you must choose a good custom essay writing service. They will help you design your paper as per your specific needs. All you would require to do is share your specific requirements, and they will do the rest for you.
Here are some of the best tips for creating a quality term paper. Make sure you follow all the tips if you want to see best result.
SUMMARY: If you want to score an A+ grade on the term paper, this blog is perfect for you. The tips discussed in the blog will help you compose a good quality term paper. Make sure you go through all the steps if you want to score a better grade.
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It’d be impractical to dedicate a paragraph in your literature review to each individual source. So, look for ways to group different sources together within paragraphs. This level of synthesis will also help convey to your dissertation committee that you’re capable of making connections between sources instead of providing a vague summary.
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Stripe, a popular online payment processor, recently announced that it will be discontinuing support for its legacy API. This means that all legacy users of Stripe will no longer have access to their accounts or the ability to process payments. This has left thousands of customers in a state of confusion and frustration. The company has been trying to help them find a new way to process payments but with limited success. The company is not yet ready to discuss what this means for the future of its legacy API as it is still in transition mode but it's safe to say that there are going to be some changes coming soon. Most students are drawn to this kind of information, but they are unable to prepare for their exams, If you have been struggling with your exams and want assistance,Get Exam Help Online for me is dedicated to helping students get higher grades on their examinations by providing them with the best available resources, including quality academic services.
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Stripe, a San Francisco-based online payment company, just told a large number of its customers that they would no longer be able to use the service. This is because Stripe is now charging fees for users who want to pay with an alternative payment method like Bitcoin.

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In a move that has been described as "disappointing" and "unexpected", Stripe just told a large number of its customers to get lost. The company is shutting down its Developer Solutions division, which offered services like payments, subscriptions, and subscriptions for businesses. In an email to developers, CEO Patrick Collison said that the company had reached the point where it could no longer support the division because of their financial performance. Most students are drawn to these types of articles and information, but they are unable to prepare for their exams, If you have been struggling with your exams and want assistance, students can hire someone to take my online class and get higher grades on their examinations by providing them with the best available resources, including quality academic services.
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Janet R. Mack said…
Stripe just told a large number of its customers to get lost. It was disappointing for some, but the company made it clear that it was not going to do any more business with them.

This is not the first time a company has decided to cut ties with its customers, and this action seems like an inevitable step in the digital economy. This email is part of Stripe’s plan for the future, which includes a new service called “pay to get exam help online for me”. The service will provide users with live tutoring sessions from certified teachers on various topics such as math, science, and English.
This week, Stripe announced that it would be shutting down its payments product, which is a service that allows merchants to accept credit cards online. In a blog post on Thursday, Stripe said that the move was necessary because of the company’s shift to focus on “building tools for developers and businesses.” The move has left many small business owners in shock and scrambling to find alternatives. Most students are drawn to these types of articles and information, but they are unable to prepare for their exams, If you have been struggling with your exams and want assistance, students can hire test takers for online classes and get higher grades on their examinations by providing them with the best available resources, including quality academic services.
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Stripe, the popular payment processor, recently decided to part ways with a large number of its customers. This move has left many people feeling confused and angry as to why their accounts were suddenly closed without warning. The decision has been met with much criticism and speculation as to why Stripe chose to do this. It is important to understand the reasons behind this move in order to better understand the role of Stripe in the future of online payments. Most students are drawn to these types of articles and information, but they are unable to prepare for their exams, If you have been struggling with your exams and want assistance, students can pay professional test takers for hire and get higher grades on their examinations by providing them with the best available resources, including quality academic services.
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