index_time > 10 | timechart count
This gave us how many of our events took more then 10 seconds, and plotted them out in a very nifty little time chart.
What's even better, SplunkStorm is actually cheaper then Papertrail, and it's incredibly fast. With Papertrail, you can tell they're not indexing events quite properly. Specifically if you do a search for something that happened days ago, it might take hours to get any sort of response (in our case we have upwards of 50GB of log files, and it appears to simply be grepping through them in reverse chronological order). When you need to see a pattern, that's simply not acceptable.

The folks at Papertrail certainly did do a good job with tailing log files, they do that way better then Splunk Does, and they even have a CLI client to do this. However, that one feature does not make up for the fact that it fails very badly with any sort of searching, which really is the point of log aggregation isn't it?
If you want more from your statistics, if you can't wait to dive into details directly within your logging platform and really find out what your logs mean, not just what they say, then take a look at Splunk. It's powerful enough for the advanced developer (can you say "regex" everywhere!), yet simple enough for our non-technical users to also understand. Being able to produce sexy graphics on-demand of statistics you didn't even know you had? Yeah, that's Splunk.
There are two very major features that Splunk is working on which is the reason we switched over now; a real-time streaming API for searching (think, CLI client for tailing splunk logs), and more importantly for most, alerts. While Papertrail does do both of these things now, it's not very good with Alerts, and it's lack of fast searching in the history of your logs do not make up for it's current features.
What do you think? Do you use Splunk? What are some of the cool things you've done with your logging systems?
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