Paging SDB results in boto

Boto can be a great tool if you're querying against SDB, and it helps you out by managing paging automatically for you so you don't have to keep querying it for the next set of results. If you're dealing with a web-based application, however, you have to deal with your own paging and simply iterating forever over a large result set will eventually time out your connections. To solve this, you can use the built-in paging system provided by boto.

Everytime you query using "" in boto, you get back a result set. Most people probably just think of this as an iterator, since it does all the magic behind-the scenes and only queries when you start iterating. It also stores that magical "next_token" within itself so it can query for the next page of results from SDB. Normally, you wouldn't even notice this attribute, but if you're dealing with a service that needs to return in a short amount of time, it can be quite useful.

Additionally, there are two important keyword arguments you can specify to the "select" command on any domain. These are max_items, and next_token. The max_items keyword tells boto to return after it has yielded that number of results, instead of simply handling the paging automatically for you. It's also quite important to add the limit SDB command to your query or boto will return in the middle of the result set and you will lose those middle results!

Ok, now to the code:

>>> import boto
>>> sdb = boto.connect_sdb()
>>> db = sdb.get_domain("default")
>>> rs ="SELECT * FROM `default` LIMIT 10", max_items=10)
Notice that we set "LIMIT" and "max_items" both to 10.

Also note that "rs" is the result set of your select query, but only runs after you start iterating, rs.next_token should be blank now

>>> rs.next_token
>>> for i in rs:
... print i
Your first 10 results will print out, now rs.next_token is set:

>>> rs.next_token
Now you can pass that next_token back to the SAME select, it must be the EXACT same query for next_token to work:
>>> rs2 ="SELECT * FROM `default` LIMIT 10", max_items=10, next_token=rs.next_token)
>>> for i in rs2:
... print i
Your next 10 results will print out

After you get to this point, it's a simple process to rinse-repeat. Once you run out of results, rs.next_token will be empty.


jamesm said…
It's always great to find an old post for today's problem. Thank you for not only your boto contributions but also for typing this up. I was pulling my hair out recently trying to figure out pagination with boto.
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In-Depth Guide to Selecting the Perfect Pet Food: Expert Advice from
Selecting the ideal pet food is essential for keeping your four-legged friend in top shape and spirits. At PetPawza, we recognize the importance of feeding your pet a diet that's perfectly suited to their individual needs. Let's explore everything you need to know to make the best dietary choices for your pet.
Understanding Your Pet's Dietary Requirements
Before picking a pet food, it's important to take into account your pet's age, breed, size, and activity level. These factors are crucial in determining the most suitable diet for your pet's well-being.
Varieties of Pet Food
Dry Food (Kibble): This option is both convenient and economical, and it helps maintain your pet's dental health by reducing the buildup of plaque. Look for brands that offer options specifically designed for pets with insurance needs.
Wet Food (Canned): With its higher moisture content, canned food is great for pets that need extra hydration or have dental problems. Brands like Pet Smart have a wide selection of canned food choices.
Raw Food (BARF or Prey Model): This type of diet aims to replicate a natural eating pattern, which can improve digestion and lead to healthier skin and fur.
Interpreting Pet Food Labels
Being able to understand what's in pet food labels is key to making educated decisions:
Ingredients List: Look for foods that contain high-quality proteins, such as those found in pete davidson.
Guaranteed Analysis: Ensure the food has balanced levels of important nutrients necessary for your pet's health.
AAFCO Statement: Make sure the food meets the nutritional standards set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials.
Factors to Consider When Selecting Pet Food
1. Ingredient Quality
Choose foods with natural, whole ingredients to steer clear of artificial additives that could impact your pet's health negatively, like peter piper pizza.
2. Protein Content
Ensure the food provides enough protein from reliable sources to support muscle growth and overall health.
3. Nutritional Balance
Select a pet food that offers a well-rounded mix of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that are appropriate for your pet's life stage, such as pet supplies plus.
4. Special Dietary Needs
Take into account any allergies, sensitivities, or health conditions your pet may have. Seek advice from your veterinarian for personalized recommendations, including services at banfield pet hospital.
Favourite Pet Food Brands
Explore well-regarded brands known for their dedication to quality and nutrition, such as:
Blue Buffalo: Famous for its natural ingredients and formulas that are free from common allergens.
Royal Canin: Offers diets that are breed-specific and health-specific, designed to meet the unique needs of each pet.
Hill's Science Diet: Provides scientifically formulated diets that support pets at various stages of life.
Switching to a New Diet
Gradually introduce your pet to a new diet over a period of 7-10 days to avoid any digestive issues. Keep a close eye on their stool quality and energy levels during this time.
Selecting the best pet food is a crucial decision that affects your pet's overall well-being. By choosing high-quality products, you're ensuring your pet lives a healthy and joyful life. For further guidance on pet care and to discover our selection of premium pet foods, visit